Anaga Mountains Tenerife occupy the north-east part of the island. This is the greenest part of Tenerife, covered with rain forest at higher altitudes, roughly starting from about 600 meters above the sea level. The highest spot of the area is at Cruz del Taborno (1024 m). So this is a lower part of the […]
From Almaciga to Igueste de San Andres through Pijaral
The tour from Almaciga to Igueste de San Andres is one of the most memorable I have done on Tenerife island (the reasons, very good ones, explained below). This is again a route across the island, from coast to coast, and not the first of that kind I have done.
Masca Valley Tenerife – an Unforgetable Hiking Tour
Masca valley Tenerife is a spectacular area in the western part of Tenerife, Canary islands. It is named after a tiny Masca village which is at around 600 meters above the sea level. This is a popular touristic spot and many people take part in Masca walk, a 4.5 kilometers descent through Masca gorge, from […]
From Benijo to Roques de Anaga – Tenerife Hiking Tours
Benijo to Roques de Anaga is a two-hours and 4.9 kilometers tour (in one direction), from the Benijo village on the north-east side of Tenerife island coast, to the northernmost point of the island, from where you will have two Roques de Anaga in front of you.
Chamorga Faro de Anaga Tenerife Tour
Chamorga faro de Anaga Tenerife tour is a great walk tour from Chamorga village to the Anaga lighthouse on the north-east coast of Tenerife. You will need between 3 and 5 hours for the tour. Chamorga is a tiny village on the north-east side of Tenerife Island. It is at an altitude of 470 meters above […]