When you search the Internet for fleece jackets, you will definitely see the words like Polar Fleece and Micro Fleece in the description of some of them. So what is Polar Fleece and what is Micro Fleece? The story about these materials is interesting, keep reading.
What To Wear For Summer In The Alps
What to wear for summer in the Alps? I guess you can have many different answers, and it is unlikely to have an agreement about what an optimal clothing combination in such an environment would be. Naturally, in this text, I can speak only in my name.
What Is Deuter – Company Started In 1898
In the moment of writing this text I have more than 20 backpacks of Deuter presented in this site. So what is Deuter really? It is time to say a bit more specifically about this remarkable world renown company. So here below are a few facts from its history, how it started, who has been […]
Practical Tips On How To Prevent Tent Condensation
The reality is that you cannot prevent tent condensation, this is a normal physical process. It comes due to the cooling of the hot air inside the tent on the walls of the tent. The vapor from the air loses its energy in contact with the cold wall and it transforms into the liquid.
Some Very Useful Tips About Sleeping Pads
In this text, I give a few basic facts about sleeping pads, which you should know before deciding to buy one for you. To choose properly, it is important to know exactly the purpose of your pad. Is it for backpacking or for camping? Is it for summertime, 3-season, 4-season? This all will then tell […]